Sunday, April 17, 2011


So I had my WTF appointment on Friday and sure enough I didn't get good news.  All of my embryos have a high percentage of fragmentation, which leads my RE to believe this is an egg quality issue.  She was very nice and explained everything thoroughly, but I was still crushed. I knew this was coming, so I was as prepared as one could be to hear that your egg quality sucks.

My RE did not pressure me into another cycle and recommended I take the spring and summer to live my life.  She made recommendations for an antagonist protocol next time, but she doesn't want to see me back until August/September.  She said she truly believes that I have some good eggs left and that she is determined to find them. She also addressed my spotting and apologized for not effectively communicating why it isn't a concern of theirs.  She said that they have run every test they possibly could and there is nothing that leads them to believe that this bleeding is a result of a progesterone deficiency or an abnormality within the uterus.  She said that I just have an extremely sensitive cervix that is irritated easily, but nothing to worry about.  We told her that although we know she is a wonderful RE, we needed to seek another opinion for our own peace of mind and she recommended we do that. 

Even though I feel like I was sucker punched, I am not giving up.  I am still taking a break and enjoying normalcy for a few months.  I am going for a second opinion in 2 weeks and we will see what the new RE has to say.  I am also going to continue Reiki sessions and exercising.  Call it being naive or blind faith, but I know with my whole heart that I will be a mom again and I will not let secondary infertility control me or how I feel anymore.  I will hold my head up high and live my life because I refuse to waste anymore time.

Until next time......xoxoxoxo

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