Monday, December 13, 2010

I couldn't make this stuff up

I don’t even know how to write this entry because it sounds so absolutely ridiculous, so here goes. 

I went for my bloodwork/ultrasound appointment this morning like planned, also known as Day 3 monitoring b/c it is day 3 of my cycle (CD3). I had my blood drawn and was taken back to the exam room for my ultrasound or what I like to call my vagi-cam exam.  Nothing like a vagi-cam to start your day…..kidding.  Anyhow, my dr was the one doing monitoring this morning (the drs in the practice rotate morning monitoring) so I told her about my positive test this weekend.  Any gal that is trying to get pregnant knows that a positive is a positive no matter how dark or light the line is and mine was visible…not dark, but definitely noticeable.  So she started the vagi-cam and noted my lining was measuring as it should on CD3.  She also took a look at my ovaries and there were no residual cysts. The cysts are leftover follicle/s where the egg/s release from within the ovary.  These follicles fill with progesterone (at this point, the follicle is known as the corpus luteum) to support pregnancy until the placenta takes over.  If a pregnancy does not result, the follicle stops producing progesterone and goes away.  Now this is a first for me.  I always have to take a month off between cycles because of these cysts.  The dr said she couldn’t confirm a chemical pregnancy without having the results of the blood test, but she found it very unlikely because there were no cysts.  She said that if there was an actual chemical pregnancy, she would still see the corpus luteum.  She made it clear to me that she believes that Mr. Lovey Pants and I saw a positive on the test, but she recommends to never POAS (pee on a stick) until AFTER a blood pregnancy test confirms an actual pregnancy.  At this point, she told me that as long as the blood test shows no pregnancy level, I can start a new IUI cycle tonight.  

Fast forward a few hours and my nurse called to tell me the blood test came back negative, so if I wanted to start IUI #4 tonight I can.  I am fortunate to have enough leftover meds from last cycle that I don’t need to buy any more, so that is a bonus.  Mr. Lovey Pants and I were so surprised at this news that we could start a cycle without taking a month off that we figured we should go for it.  Tis the season, right?

Later this afternoon, I had my first acupuncture appointment and I thought it was great.  The acupuncturist was a doll.  She was so nice and made me feel so comfortable.  Her office is so serene and the treatment was so relaxing that I can’t wait to do it again.  I obviously don’t know if the treatments will help to get me pregnant or not, but if they relax me and bring me some moments of peace and tranquility, then I say it works in some capacity.  I go in for another appointment next week and I am really looking forward to it. 

In a few minutes we start injections for this cycle and I am more confident than ever that this is the cycle.  I am writing this as my way of putting this out there to the universe….this IS the cycle!!! ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE

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