....and I rocked it!!! The RE got 26 eggs. That is a lot of eggs.
Let me just say that 3 days before my retrieval it was 70-something degrees out. I woke up yesterday to snow. WHAT? That kind of threw off the start of our day. The normal 40 minute drive took us over an hour and a half. I was having a full blown panic attack in the car. About half way there, I had to pee SO BAD. Let me just explain that am bloated beyond belief and when I have to go, I have to go. I climbed into the back seat and used Beans' porta potty. Yup, I peed in the car and I really didn't care. The whole traffic fiasco made me 45 minutes late for my appointment. Thank goodness everyone was so understanding, since no one anticipated the bad weather.
I was called back for pre-op prep and I asked if I was going to see Mr. Lovey Pants before the retrieval and they told me yes. So I went back, got changed and met with the nurse to get the process underway. I met with the RE and the anesthesiologist and I was almost ready to go. The nurse went out to go get Mr. Lovey Pants and he was already off doing his part, so I didn't get to see him beforehand. I was so upset about that, I was so nervous and scared and just wanted to see him, but it didn't happen. The RE knew how nervous I was and she held my hand and walked me from pre-op to the OR. She even held my hand until the anasthesia kicked in. She said so many encouraging, kind words and I am forever thankful for her kindness. How nice is that?
When I woke up and was told they got 26 eggs, the nurses clapped for me. I was so excited, but drugged. When I finally got to see Mr. Lovey Pants, he was so relieved. He was so worried because no one updated him about anything, so he had no idea what was going on. Poor guy.
I have to admit that I had a wonderful experience....not that I want to do this again, but the whole retrieval team did an outstanding job at making me feel comfortable, especially the RE.
I got home and slept for most of the day and was pretty uncomfortable. Mr. Lovey Pants gave me my first progesterone in oil (PIO) shot last night and it wasn't bad at all. After the shot, I walked upsatirs to my bedroom, sat on my bed, then when I got up to go to the bathroom, Mr. Lovey Pants freaked because there was blood on the back of my pants. Thank goodness it wasn't bad at all and it was just from the injection site. I tried to find a band-aid and could only find princess band-aids, so now I have a Cinderella band-aid on my ass LOL
Today, I feel better than yesterday. I am not as drugged out, but still pretty uncomfortable. I have been chugalugging coconut water and gatorade and have been peeing every 5 minutes, so I know that is good.
I have been praying that our 26 eggs all fertilized and are doing well. I am waiting for the phone call with the fertility results and time is going by soooo slowly. When I get that call, I should know if I am going for a 3 day transfer on Thursday or a 5 day on Saturday. I am praying for a 5 day. Please!!!!
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