Thursday, April 7, 2011


To be really honest, I've had an amazing past few days.  I know it sounds silly since I received really sad news on Monday, but I honestly feel like a huge weight has been lifted.  We had no issue at all conceiving Beans and it is just too bizarre that there is nothing medically preventing me or Mr. Lovey Pants from conceiving again, but it just isn't happening.  After 7 months of TTC on our own and 14 months of various medications, injections, IUIs and IVFs with no baby as a result, I am beginning to believe that maybe there is something else. 

I went for a Reiki session the other night and it was AMAZING.  I truly feel like I made a lot of headway and I feel completely at peace with myself for taking this road.   I cannot wait to go back next week and make more progress. I want to continue on this path....not just for fertility reasons, but I am opening up myself spiritually in ways that I could never have imagined.  I know with every bit of me that I am making a huge, awesome transformation on so many different levels.

Mr. Lovey Pants and I have decided to not seek any medical intervention until at least September.  I am so done with injections, trips back and forth to the RE, and putting my life on hold...I just want to live again.  I haven't done much of that in about a year.   I surrendered to the fact that I am not pregnant and to be honest, I feel so great.  I want to continue feeling this way and I know that by getting all of these drugs out of my system, I will feel more and more like me.  It feels pretty damn good to be back!

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